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Saving butterflies, moths and our environment
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Non-Lepidopterous Invertebrates at Rough Bank

Tettigometra impressopunctata
A scarce bug:   Tettigometra impressopunctata
Rugged Oil Beetle
Meloe rugosus   Rugged Oil Beetle
Dotted Bee-fly
Bombylius discolor   Dotted Bee-fly
Cryptocephalus bipunctatus
A scarce pot beetle:   Cryptocephalus bipunctatus

Other Rough Bank pages:     Moths (full list)     Rare and Scarce Moths     Butterflies     Reserve tour     Reserve Leaflet

Whilst a lot of effort has been put into recording moths and butterflies at Rough Bank, relatively little is known about all the other invertebrates on the reserve. This page lists 315 non-lepidopterous species which have been recorded here, no doubt only a small fraction of the site's actual total which could be several thousand. For Lepidoptera, the best-recorded large group of insects at the reserve, more than 25% of the UK species (residents & frequent migrants) have been found here. When managing for biodiversity, whilst it should be good to improve and increase the habitat for 'special' species we know about, it is arguably much more important to avoid accidentally destroying the habitat for some of the greater number of species of whose presence we are unaware!

This page lists many groups of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates, most if not all of which include species which are present on the reserve whether or not we have records of any of them. It does not include numerous groups which could be represented on the reserve but which are less likely to be recorded, for example flukes, tapeworms and microscopic parasites, and some aquatic groups.

Within each Class, Order or Family, species are listed in alphabetical order of scientific name. Please note: groupings and names might not be up to date with changes in taxonomy and nomenclature. Where families are listed under an order, only those families with species records are shown. All records are from 2012 or later, and most have been made by members of the Gloucestershire Invertebrate Group.

Where numbers are shown in brackets, these are known/approximate/estimated numbers of British species, which in some cases could include not just residents and frequent migrants but also rare migrants and accidentally imported species etc. There are various sources for this data, providing varying totals for some species groups.

Phylum Arthropoda

Arthropods: Invertebrates with external skeletons, segmented bodies and jointed legs/appendages.

Phylum Annelida: Ringed Worms

Phylum Mollusca: Molluscs

Photos © Guy Meredith.   Page last revised May 2024
Butterfly Conservation. Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468). Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP.
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