Butterfly Conservation - Saving butterflies, moths and our environment Butterfly Conservation
Saving butterflies, moths and our environment
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National Moth Recording Scheme
BC Gloucestershire Branch Home Page

Gloucestershire Moth Species Lists

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enter tetrad (e.g. SP12G) in box to right and click [List] button      
To see species list for whole area for a time of year, click on one of the buttons below:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Early (1-10)
Mid (11-20)
Late (21-end)
The selected data options below will be applied to the species list
  (the format of this report is not controlled by the options above)

See also the Gloucestershire Moth Distribution Maps

You can use this page to see lists of species which have been recorded in or adjacent to specified tetrads at any time of year, or lists of species which have been recorded anywhere in the recording area at particular times of year. It does not provide time-of-year lists for individual tetrads. Species records shown as unconfirmed on the maps are excluded from the lists. All species with mapped or historical but unmapped records in the recording area can also be listed (some of the list options do not apply to this list).

A Phone version is also available. It only produces tetrad lists, with fewer list options than this page.

Type a tetrad in the small box (or type ALL) and click the [List] button, or click on one of the 36 time of year buttons. The appropriate species list appears in the scrollable text area below the buttons. For time of year the species are listed in decreasing order of number of records from the period if that checkbox is selected. (N.B. Prior to 2012, for some regularly-recorded sites the county database might only include one record of each common species from each year, usually the record with the highest specimen count).

Species are listed in a choice of field separation formats. The field options are Agassiz, Beavan & Heckford (2013) checklist number, Bradley (2000) checklist number, Scientific name &/or Common name, UK status, and typical UK larval food (any commas in a list of foodplants are replaced by semicolons).

Clicking the [Highlights report] button reports on mapped records from the latest year, listing:

The most tetrads/species lists give the top 10 species/tetrads (provided there are at least 10 with nonzero counts!) plus any further species/tetrads with the same count as the 10th. Common names for macros and some micros are from the 2013 ABH checklist; for micros without common names in that list, names from Jim Wheeler's list (available via the Norfolk Moths website) are given in brackets. As usual moths in the families Hepialidae, Cossidae, Sesiidae, Limacodidae and Zygaenidae are treated as macros.

UK national status data for macro-moths was updated in 2019 and published in the Atlas of Britain and Ireland's Larger Moths; this uses IUCN regional Red List categories. The status of micro-moths was updated in January 2012 in Butterfly Conservation Report No. S12-02. The abbreviations used here are explained in the table below. If selected, the rare & scarce species option includes the categories from RDB1 down to Nb.

RDB1 Red Data Book category 1: Endangered species with a single population in one 10Km OS grid square in the UK, or in rapid decline and found in at most 5 10Km squares
RDB2 Red Data Book category 2: Vulnerable species found in at most 10 10Km squares
RDB3 Red Data Book category 3: Rare species found in 11 - 15 10Km squares
pRDBn Provisionally RDBn, yet to be ratified
RDBK Thought to be RDB status, but insufficient knowledge
Na Notable a (Nationally Scarce A): Scarce species found in 16 - 30 10Km squares
Nb Notable b (Nationally Scarce B): Scarce species found in 31 - 100 10Km squares
BAP Biodiversity Action Plan priority species for action. BAP status is independent of any RDB/Na/Nb rating
BAP(R) Biodiversity Action Plan declining species for which research is needed
Local Species found in 101 - 300 10Km squares
Common Species found in more than 300 10Km squares
Migrant Occurs as a result of immigration; may have colonised in the UK
Adventive Occurs as a result of accidental or deliberate import; may have colonised

The abbreviations used here for macro-moths are given in the table below. For macros, the rare & scarce species option includes resident & colonising species recorded from at most 100 UK 10Km squares in 2000-2016.

RERegionally Extinct. No confirmed records in Great Britain and Ireland for many years
CR(PE)Critically Endangered, Possibly Extinct. Threatened by extremely high risk of regional extinction
CRCritically Endangered. Threatened by extremely high risk of regional extinction
ENEndangered. Threatened by very high risk of regional extinction
VUVulnerable. Threatened by high risk of regional extinction
NTNear Threatened. Close to qualifying for one of the threatened categories and/or likely to qualify for one in the near future
LCLeast Concern. Includes widespread and abundant species
DDData Deficient. Status uncertain because of insufficient data on abundance and/or distribution
NANot Applicable. E.g. migrants with no resident populations

The threat ratings above do not necessarily indicate scarcity or rarity, nor vice-versa. Some currently widespread but formerly more abundant species have suffered such long-term population declines that they are rated NT or VU. Some scarce or rare species are not considered to be under threat now or in the near future, and so they are rated LC. Rare, Scarce (A) & Scarce (B) ratings have been included for macros based on the recorded number of 10Km squares in 2000-2016: up to 15, 16-30 and 31-100 respectively. Some species labelled as migrants are resident in the Channel Islands.

The recording area includes the counties of Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire, together with those parts of Watsonian vice-counties VC33 (East Glos.) and VC34 (West Glos.) which are outside the current administrative counties.

If you have moth records which are not shown on the maps or lists, please send them to the appropriate Moth Recorder as shown on the distribution maps page. The records currently available for the species lists are also indicated on that page.

Complete accuracy of the data is extremely unlikely - with more than 900,000 records some errors and omissions are inevitable. Records shown are those supplied to the VC33 & VC34 recorders indicated on the distribution maps page, to the former Gloucestershire moth recorders Roger Gaunt (all areas to 2011) and Neale Mellersh (VC34 east of Severn, to 2019), and VC34 records supplied to the Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre (BRERC) to the year shown on the maps page, including some from NBN Atlas occurrence downloads at NBN Atlas accessed on Sat Apr 02 07:22:35, 07:28:03 & 07:29:04 UTC 2022, under the Creative Commons with attribution non-commercial licence (CC-BY-NC)

Some unconfirmed records and those with insufficient information for mapping purposes have been omitted, and following reviews some records may in future be removed from the database. For pairs or groups of species not separable with certainty from wing markings, only those records identified to species have been included but some of these could be erroneous. Records of 'aggregates' are not listed here.

Page last revised April 2024
Butterfly Conservation. Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468). Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP.
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