2024 updates: Micro-moth VC target lists for VC33 and VC34 added.
Updates from 2024 reports of species gains.
Changes resulting from 2023 records and from older records received in the past year.
Additional species and some adjacent county updates to target micro-moth list.
2023 updates: Corrections - removal of two species from the post-2000 gains list.
More changes from 2022 records, and updates from 2023 reports.
January 2023 update: More 2022 additions to the county list, another 'target' species found, and
a few changes resulting from the VC33 recorder's decision to treat a number of past
records as unconfirmed after applying record checking software.
November 2022 update: Some species previously listed as post-2000 gains have been found to have
pre-2000 reports of Gloucestershire specimens (mostly found in old books & journals), some other
species have been added to the list of potential losses because pre-2000 reports have been found
and there are no post-2000 records (including two that were listed as target species),
and some recent 2022 gains have been added.
Since 2000 there has been a big increase in the amount of moth-recording in the county (*), resulting in the addition of a number of species to the county list. Some of these gains really are new residents, no doubt some have been resident for much longer but without being recorded before 2000, and some are migrants or adventives not previously recorded here. At least one 'gain' has resulted from the checklist addition of a species previously regarded as the same as another resident species. NB The lists below are subject to occasional revision to apply corrections and updates based on additional records and reports. Some as yet unmapped records/reports have been taken into account, so there can be an earlier gain year than the years recorded shown on the distribution maps, and species gains for which there are no species maps yet. (*) This list is for Gloucestershire in the widest sense, including parts of VC33 (East Gloucestershire) and VC34 (West Gloucestershire) which are not in the present-day county of Gloucestershire, and also including those parts of present-day Gloucestershire which are in vice-counties adjacent to VC33/34.
In spite of the increased recording, a number of species previously recorded or reported from the county have not been found here since 2000. Some of these are significant losses of resident species (unless they are re-found which sometimes happens a very long time after the previous record, more than 100 years in some cases). Others, migrants or adventives rather than former residents, are of less significance but are included here.
Species with no pre-2000 records in the tetrad-mapping database but with one or more very old or more recent pre-2000 reports were mostly identified from Roger Gaunt's privately-published lists: "Gloucestershire Moths An Account" (2000) and "Gloucestershire Moths A Second Account" (2006). Initially a small number of additional pre-2000 Gloucestershire species were identified from various other sources, with more being found by searching old books and journals at a later date. For all such species, the presence of post-2000 dots and the absence of pre-2000 dots on their tetrad distribution maps does not mean that they are post-2000 gains to the county list.
It should be noted that a few of the 'losses' could be the result of misidentifications, particularly for some of the historical records. A few historical records were long ago regarded as unconfirmed but the species has been found here since 2000; such 'gains' have not been included. The county locations of some historical records are uncertain, for example the records of two species from 'near Bristol', both in 1815. For both of those species an 1895 book lists Gloucester (but meaning Gloucestershire because the book gave county lists), so the next local record of one (in 2022) is not treated as a gain and the lack of subsequent records of the other is treated as a loss. The UK checklist addition of a species found in Glos. in recent years, Delplanqueia inscriptella, and almost certainly previously recorded here incorrectly as Delplanqueia dilutella, is not treated as a gain of D. inscriptella (nor as a loss of D. dilutella).
Apparent gains can occur when DNA analysis reveals what had previously been regarded as a single species to be a complex of two (or more) similar-looking species, if these are separable by dissection of the adult, by larval foodplant or by some other detectable property such as egg placement. Historical records of the 'species' could refer to either. Such 'gains' listed below include 4.0351 Stigmella sp. (as yet unnamed), split from 4.035 S. salicis which is also present in the county. Another is 36.0019 Batrachedra confusella, split from 36.002 B. pinicolella for which there are two historical records, so that species may be lost if the specimens really were B. pinicolella. With B. pinicolella having Nb UK status, it is assumed here that this now applies to both species (though in theory either or both could turn out to be scarcer than Nb). The 2011 specimen of B. confusella was identified after that species was described in 2022.
Target species are listed in three groups:
Of course, UK resident species in the losses tables are also targets for re-finding in the county. A number of suspected losses have been re-found in recent years, sometimes more than 100 years after the previous record.
Nomenclature and ordering follows the Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles (Agassiz, Beavan and Heckford, second edition 2024) in which only scientific names are used for most of the micro-moths. The common names for micro-moths in brackets are mostly from two other sources which give identical or similar names for some species, but very different names for many other species.
UK national status data for our resident macro-moths was updated in 2019 and published in the Atlas of Britain and Ireland's Larger Moths; this uses IUCN regional Red List categories. The status of micro-moths was updated in January 2012 in Butterfly Conservation Report No. S12-02, which uses earlier Red Data Book and Scarce categories. In the list below Rare, Scarce (A) & Scarce (B) ratings have been included for macros based on the recorded number of 10Km squares in 2000-2019: up to 15, 16-30 and 31-100 respectively.
196 species first recorded since 2000
Year | ABH No. | Scientific name | Common name | UK Status |
Gained 2024 | 34.014 | Sorhagenia janiszewskae | (Buckthorn Twig-borer / Wood Cosmet) | Na |
Gained | 35.033 | Platyedra subcinerea | (Mallow Seed Moth / Mallow Crest) | Nb |
Gained | 37.031 | Coleophora ahenella | (Buckthorn Case-bearer) | Na |
Gained | 37.068 | Coleophora adjunctella | (Saltern Rush Case-bearer / Saltern-rush Case-bearer) | Nb |
Gained | 38.043 | Elachista scirpi | (Saltern Rush-miner / Saltern Dwarf) | Na |
Gained | 63.119 | Musotima nitidalis | (Marbled Fern / Fern China-mark) | Adventive colonist |
Gained | 72.087 | Dysgonia algira | Passenger | Scarce (A) Migrant |
Gained | 73.028 | Acontia lucida | Pale Shoulder | Scarce (A) Migrant |
Gained | 73.104 | Athetis hospes | Porter's Rustic | Scarce (B) Migrant |
Gained | 73.xxxx | Mythimna riparia | --- | (First UK record) |
Gained 2023 | 6.0021 | Antispila treitschkiella | (Cornel Cutter / Cherry Lift) | Unknown |
Gained | 16.006 | Yponomeuta irrorella | (Scarce Spindle Ermine / Scarce Ermine) | pRDB2 |
Gained | 35.032 | Pexicopia malvella | Hollyhock Seed Moth | Nb |
Gained | 35.059 | Metzneria aprilella | (Flame Seedhead Moth / Brilliant Neb) | Nb |
Gained | 62.022 | Pempelia genistella | (Gorse Knot-horn) | Nb |
Gained | 63.032 | Udea fulvalis | (Rufous Pearl / Fulvous Pearl) | Migrant |
Gained | 65.0021 | Watsonalla uncinula | Spiny Hook-tip | ? |
Gained | 70.186 | Eupithecia millefoliata | Yarrow Pug | LC |
Gained | 73.021 | Syngrapha interrogationis | Scarce Silver Y | LC |
Gained 2022 | 12.023 | Triaxomasia caprimulgella | (Tree Hollow Moth / Small Timber Clothes Moth) | pRDB1 |
Gained | 15.0131 | Caloptilia honoratella | (Pale Maple Stilt) | |
Gained | 21.002 | Lyonetia prunifoliella | (Blackthorn Blister Moth / Striped Bent-wing) | pRDB1 |
Gained | 28.003 | Schiffermuelleria grandis | (Silver-streaked Beauty / Silver-streaked Tubic) | pRDB2 |
Gained | 34.009 | Cosmopterix pulchrimella | (Pellitory Beauty / Pellitory Cosmet) | Na |
Gained | 35.118 | Scrobipalpa ocellatella | Beet Moth | Nb |
Gained | 37.077 | Coleophora lassella | (Toad Rush Case-bearer / Toad-rush Case-bearer) | Nb |
Gained | 49.364 | Pammene suspectana | (Ash Bark Tortrix / Ash-bark Piercer) | pRDB2 |
Gained | 51.0001 | Paysandisia archon | Palm Moth | Adventive |
Gained | 63.039 | Mecyna flavalis | (Chalk Hill Pearl / Yellow Pearl) | pRDB3 |
Gained | 70.033 | Cyclophora puppillaria | Blair's Mocha | LC |
Gained 2021 | 4.081 | Zimmermannia amani | (Elm-bark Dot / Elm-bark Pigmy) | pRDB1 |
Gained | 16.011 | Zelleria oleastrella | (Olive Spinner / Olive Ermine) | Migrant |
Gained | 34.008 | Cosmopterix scribaiella | (Reed Beauty / New Marsh Cosmet) | Na |
Gained | 37.017 | Coleophora prunifoliae | (Sloe Case-bearer / New Sloe Case-bearer) | Nb |
Gained | 63.047 | Spoladea recurvalis | (Banded Sable / Maize Moth) | Migrant |
Gained | 63.059 | Evergestis limbata | (Dark-bordered Pearl / Dark Bordered Pearl) | Nb |
Gained | 73.330 | Ochropleura leucogaster | Radford's Flame Shoulder | Scarce (A) Migrant |
Gained 2020 | 28.023 | Harpella forficella | (Yellow-striped Bark Moth / Striped Tubic) | Adventive |
Gained | 37.090 | Coleophora artemisicolella | (Mugwort Case-bearer) | Local |
Gained | 72.006 | Hypena obsitalis | Bloxworth Snout | LC Scarce (B) |
Gained | 72.074 | Eublemma purpurina | Beautiful Marbled | Scarce (B) Migrant |
Gained 2019 | 4.083 | Ectoedemia hannoverella | (Black-poplar Dot / New Poplar Pigmy) | pRDB3 |
Gained | 15.093 | Phyllocnistis xenia | (Kent Maze-miner / Kent Bent-wing) | Nb |
Gained | 34.005 | Cosmopterix zieglerella | (Hop Beauty / Hedge Cosmet) | Nb |
Gained | 35.0191 | Anarsia innoxiella | (Maple Snout / Acer Sober) | Unknown |
Gained | 41.005 | Blastobasis rebeli | (Black-banded Masoner / Marsh Dowd) | Adventive |
Gained | 47.002 | Phaulernis dentella | (Dusky Ridge-back / Scale-tooth Lance-wing) | Na |
Gained | 62.010 | Elegia similella | (White-barred Knot-horn) | Nb |
Gained | 62.025 | Dioryctria sylvestrella | (Chequered Pine Knot-horn / New Pine Knot-horn) | Nb |
Gained | 73.082 | Cryphia algae | Tree-lichen Beauty | LC |
Gained 2018 | 4.044 | Stigmella continuella | (Silver-barred Birch Dot / Double-barred Pigmy) | Local |
Gained | 71.001 | Thaumetopoea processionea | Oak Processionary | Scarce (B) Migrant colonist |
Gained | 73.093 | Caradrina kadenii | Clancy's Rustic | LC |
Gained | 73.137 | Arenostola phragmitidis | Fen Wainscot | LC |
Gained 2017 | 4.073 | Bohemannia auriciliella | (Gold-fringed Dot / Gold-fringed Pigmy) | pRDB1 |
Gained | 22.0041 | Prays citri | (Citrus Ermel) | Adventive |
Gained | 49.067 | Acleris abietana | (Fir Tortrix / Perth Button) | Na |
Gained | 49.350 | Grapholita caecana | (Sainfoin Piercer) | pRDB3 |
Gained | 62.020 | Etiella zinckenella | (Legume Knot-horn) | Migrant |
Gained | 63.042 | Diplopseustis perieresalis | (Palm Tabby / Eastern Black Tabby) | Migrant |
Gained | 73.059 | Calophasia lunula | Toadflax Brocade | LC |
Gained | 73.223 | Dryobota labecula | Oak Rustic | LC Scarce (B) |
Gained | 73.300 | Mythimna l-album | L-album Wainscot | LC |
Gained 2016 | 4.0351 | Stigmella sp. (as yet unnamed) | () | |
Gained | 70.3075 | Microloxia herbaria | Herb Emerald | Rare Migrant |
Gained | 73.106 | Trachea atriplicis | Orache Moth | RE Scarce (B) Migrant |
Gained 2015 | 4.084 | Ectoedemia turbidella | (Grey Poplar Dot / Grey-poplar Pigmy) | pRDB3 |
Gained | 15.0931 | Phyllocnistis citrella | (Citrus Leaf-miner) | Adventive |
Gained | 35.098 | Gelechia scotinella | (Blackthorn Gelechia / Thicket Groundling) | pRDB2 |
Gained | 49.268 | Eucosma parvulana | (Saw-wort Tortrix / Saw-wort Bell) | Unknown |
Gained | 70.102 | Coenotephria salicata | Striped Twin-spot Carpet | LC |
Gained 2014 | 11.005 | Dahlica lichenella | Lichen Case-bearer | Na |
Gained | 37.082 | Coleophora asteris | (Sea Aster Case-bearer / Sea-aster Case-bearer) | Na |
Gained | 38.028 | Elachista alpinella | (Marsh Sedge-miner / Marsh Dwarf) | Nb |
Gained | 38.045 | Elachista utonella | (Bog Sedge-miner / Bog Dwarf) | Nb |
Gained | 49.033 | Aphelia viburnana | Bilberry Tortrix | Common |
Gained | 49.169 | Celypha aurofasciana | (Gold-barred Marble / Moss Marble) | Na |
Gained | 62.039 | Apomyelois bistriatella | (Phoenix Knot-horn / Heath Knot-horn) | Nb |
Gained | 72.030 | Euplagia quadripunctaria | Jersey Tiger | LC |
Gained | 72.076 | Catocala fraxini | Clifden Nonpareil | LC |
Gained | 73.347 | Noctua janthina | Langmaid's Yellow Underwing | LC Scarce (B) |
Gained | 74.002 | Meganola albula | Kent Black Arches | LC |
Gained 2013 | 5.001 | Opostega salaciella | (Sorrel Cap / Sorrel Bent-wing) | Local |
Gained | 20.007 | Argyresthia cupressella | Cypress Tip Moth | Local |
Gained | 22.004 | Prays oleae | (Olive Stowaway / Small Olive Ermel) | Adventive |
Gained | 35.129 | Caryocolum viscariella | (Campion Groundling) | Nb |
Gained | 40.006 | Mompha jurassicella | (Obscure Mompha / Scarce Mompha) | Na |
Gained | 47.004 | Epermenia aequidentellus | (Carrot Ridge-back / Carrot Lance-wing) | Na |
Gained | 49.003 | Sparganothis pilleriana | (Bog Snout / Long-nosed Tortrix) | Na |
Gained | 49.032 | Zelotherses unitana | (Northern Grey Tortrix) | Na |
Gained | 49.3445 | Thaumatotibia leucotreta | False Codling Moth | Adventive |
Gained | 63.0609 | Noorda moringae | (Drumstick Pearl) | Adventive |
Gained | 70.154 | Eupithecia pygmaeata | Marsh Pug | LC |
Gained 2012 | 4.064 | Glaucolepis headleyella | (Self-heal Dot / Self-heal Pigmy) | pRDB2 |
Gained | 4.088 | Ectoedemia heringella | (Speckled Holm Oak Dot / New Holm-Oak Pigmy) | Nb |
Gained | 22.003 | Prays ruficeps | (Cryptic Ash Bud Moth / Dark Ash-bud Moth) | Common |
Gained | 28.008 | Metalampra italica | (Italian Bark Moth / Italian Tubic) | Migrant colonist |
Gained | 37.081 | Coleophora therinella | (Black Bindweed Case-bearer / Black-bindweed Case-bearer) | Nb |
Gained | 38.049 | Elachista stabilella | (Southern Grass-miner / Southern Dwarf) | Nb |
Gained | 39.006 | Chrysoclista lathamella | (Willow Flame / Orange-blotch Cosmet) | pRDB2 |
Gained | 47.003 | Epermenia insecurella | (Chalk Hill Ridge-back / Chalk-hill Lance-wing) | BAP pRDB2 |
Gained | 49.053 | Cnephasia pumicana | Cereal Tortrix | Local |
Gained | 49.212 | Ancylis apicella | (Streaked Hook-wing / Hook-tipped Roller) | Nb |
Gained | 49.355 | Grapholita lathyrana | (Greenweed Tortrix / Greenweed Piercer) | pRDB1 |
Gained | 49.378 | Pammene ochsenheimeriana | (Dusted Fir Moth / Black-patch Piercer) | pRDB2 |
Gained | 70.139 | Martania taeniata | Barred Carpet | LC Scarce (B) |
Gained | 72.0252 | Antichloris viridis | Satin Stowaway | Adventive |
Gained 2011 | 15.087 | Phyllonorycter comparella | (Poplar Leaf-miner / Winter Poplar Midget) | Na |
Gained | 36.0019 | Batrachedra confusella | (Pine Needle-moth) | Nb |
Gained | 37.108 | Coleophora salicorniae | (Glasswort Case-bearer) | Nb |
Gained | 38.034 | Elachista orstadii | (Obscure Grass-miner / Scotch Dwarf) | pRDB3 |
Gained | 45.027 | Oxyptilus laetus | Scarce Light Plume | Migrant |
Gained | 48.005 | Tebenna micalis | (Beautiful Twitcher / Vagrant Metal-mark) | Migrant |
Gained | 70.017 | Idaea degeneraria | Portland Ribbon Wave | LC Scarce (B) |
Gained 2010 | 35.127 | Tuta absoluta | (Tomato Leaf-miner) | Adventive |
Gained | 49.086 | Acleris logiana | (White Birch Tortrix / Grey Birch Button) | Local |
Gained | 49.211 | Ancylis myrtillana | (Bilberry Hook-wing / Bilberry Roller) | Local |
Gained | 63.046 | Duponchelia fovealis | (European Pepper Moth / Dark Marbled Tabby) | Migrant |
Gained 2009 | 4.063 | Stigmella roborella | (Oak Dot / Common Oak Pigmy) | Common |
Gained | 15.007 | Caloptilia azaleella | Azalea Leaf Miner | Local |
Gained | 35.064 | Argolamprotes micella | (Bramble Bronze / Bright Neb) | Nb |
Gained | 35.099 | Gelechia senticetella | (Cypress Gelechia / Cypress Groundling) | Nb |
Gained | 37.019 | Coleophora trigeminella | (Scarce Thorn Case-bearer) | Na |
Gained | 49.020 | Argyrotaenia ljungiana | (Heather Tortrix) | Common |
Gained | 49.138 | Neocochylis molliculana | (Tawny-fronted Straw / Ox-tongue Conch) | Local |
Gained | 63.054 | Cydalima perspectalis | (Box-tree Moth) | Adventive |
Gained | 70.217 | Macaria brunneata | Rannoch Looper | LC |
Gained 2008 | 4.036 | Stigmella myrtillella | (Bilberry Dot / Bilberry Pigmy) | Local |
Gained | 4.072 | Bohemannia quadrimaculella | (Four-spot Dot / Four-spot Pigmy) | Nb |
Gained | 4.096 | Ectoedemia arcuatella | (Strawberry Dot / Strawberry Pigmy) | Na |
Gained | 37.034 | Coleophora frischella | (Red Clover Case-bearer / White-clover Case-bearer) | Nb |
Gained | 49.366 | Pammene obscurana | (Birch Catkin Tortrix / Obscure Birch Piercer) | Na |
Gained | 49.365 | Pammene albuginana | (Scarce Oak Gall Moth / Blotched Piercer) | Local |
Gained | 49.356 | Grapholita lobarzewskii | (Small Fruit Moth / Kent Fruit Piercer) | Na |
Gained 2007 | 4.079 | Zimmermannia atrifrontella | (Oak-bark Dot / Oak-bark Pigmy) | Unknown |
Gained | 15.011 | Caloptilia falconipennella | (Dark Alder Stilt / Scarce Alder Slender) | Nb |
Gained | 49.054 | Cnephasia genitalana | (Scarce Grey Tortrix / Dover Shade) | Local |
Gained | 49.082 | Acleris hyemana | (Heath Tortrix / Heath Button) | Local |
Gained | 63.100 | Catoptria margaritella | (Pearl-banded Grass-moth / Pearl-band Grass Veneer) | Local |
Gained | 70.083 | Thera cupressata | Cypress Carpet | LC |
Gained 2006 | 4.024 | Stigmella magdalenae | (Northern Rowan Dot / Northern Rowan Pigmy) | Local |
Gained | 4.040 | Stigmella assimilella | (White-tipped Dot / Aspen Pigmy) | Local |
Gained | 7.004 | Nemophora fasciella | (Horehound Longhorn / Horehound Long-horn) | BAP Na |
Gained | 9.006 | Lampronia fuscatella | (Birch Gall Moth / Scarce Bright) | Nb |
Gained | 35.105 | Gelechia nigra | (Black Gelechia / Black Groundling) | Na |
Gained | 49.329 | Cydia illutana | (Larch Cone Moth / Larch Piercer) | pRDB3 |
Gained | 49.361 | Pammene ignorata | (Obscure Tortrix / Devon Piercer) | pRDB2 |
Gained | 69.007 | Sphinx pinastri | Pine Hawk-moth | LC |
Gained 2005 | 2.002 | Paracrania chrysolepidella | (Hazel Spring Jewel / Small Hazel Purple) | Local |
Gained | 4.049 | Stigmella aeneofasciella | (Brassy Dot / Brassy Pigmy) | Nb |
Gained | 15.089 | Cameraria ohridella | (Horse-Chestnut Leaf-miner) | Common |
Gained | 28.005 | Denisia albimaculea | (Pied Concealer / Pied Tubic) | pRDB3 |
Gained | 35.140 | Caryocolum kroesmanniella | (Scarce Groundling) | pRDB1 |
Gained | 49.206 | Ancylis upupana | (Southern Hook-wing / Dark Roller) | Nb |
Gained | 49.330 | Cydia conicolana | (Pine Nut Moth / Pine-cone Piercer) | Nb |
Gained 2004 | 4.062 | Stigmella samiatella | (Chestnut Dot / Chestnut Pigmy) | Local |
Gained | 16.008 | Yponomeuta sedella | (Orpine Ermine / Grey Ermine) | Local |
Gained | 28.024 | Tachystola acroxantha | (Australian Orange-tip / Ruddy Streak) | Local |
Gained | 35.023 | Dichomeris ustalella | (Lime Snout / Worcester Crest) | pRDB1 |
Gained | 38.024 | Elachista poae | (Sweet-grass Miner / Sweet-grass Dwarf) | Nb |
Gained | 45.002 | Agdistis meridionalis | Cliff Plume | Na |
Gained | 49.261 | Crocidosema plebejana | (Tree-mallow Tortrix / Southern Bell) | Local |
Gained | 49.343 | Cydia amplana | (Rusty Acorn Piercer / Vagrant Piercer) | Migrant |
Gained | 73.304 | Leucania loreyi | Cosmopolitan | Migrant |
Gained 2003 | 2.005 | Eriocrania salopiella | (Yellow-headed Spring Jewel / Small Birch Purple) | Local |
Gained | 4.058 | Stigmella basiguttella | (Shoulder-spot Dot / Base-spotted Pigmy) | Common |
Gained | 4.091 | Ectoedemia heringi | (White-spot Dot / White-spot Pigmy) | Local |
Gained | 12.035 | Niditinea striolella | (Brindled Nest Moth / Brindled Clothes Moth) | Nb |
Gained | 16.018 | Swammerdamia compunctella | (Rowan Drab / Rowan Ermine) | Na |
Gained | 28.027 | Aplota palpellus | (Gold-flecked Hopper / Scarce Brown Streak) | BAP pRDB2 |
Gained | 35.073 | Monochroa palustrellus | (Dock Streak / Wainscot Neb) | Nb |
Gained | 48.003 | Prochoreutis sehestediana | (Banded Skullcap Skeletoniser / Silver-dot Metal-mark) | Nb |
Gained | 49.351 | Grapholita lunulana | (Northern Crescent / Northern Crescent Piercer) | Nb |
Gained | 73.023 | Plusia putnami | Lempke's Gold Spot | LC |
Gained | 73.257 | Anarta myrtilli | Beautiful Yellow Underwing | LC |
Gained 2002 | 20.005 | Argyresthia trifasciata | (Triple-barred Tip Moth / Triple-barred Argent) | Local |
Gained | 35.053 | Isophrictis striatella | (Tansy Stem Borer / White-border Neb) | Nb |
Gained | 40.007 | Mompha bradleyi | (Dusky Hourglass Mompha / New Neat Mompha) | Nb |
Gained | 49.141 | Falseuncaria degreyana | (Breckland Straw / Breckland Conch) | pRDB2 |
Gained | 49.272 | Eucosma tripoliana | (Saltern Tortrix / Saltmarsh Bell) | Local |
Gained | 49.275 | Eucosma conterminana | (Lettuce Tortrix / Pale Lettuce Bell) | Local |
Gained | 63.044 | Diasemiopsis ramburialis | (Migrant Sable / Vagrant China-mark) | Migrant |
Gained 2001 | 15.041 | Phyllonorycter platani | (Plane Leaf-miner / London Midget) | Local |
Gained | 49.229 | Epinotia caprana | (Large Willow Roller / Large Sallow Bell) | Local |
Gained | 49.301 | Retinia resinella | Pine Resin-gall Moth | Na |
Gained | 73.061 | Stilbia anomala | Anomalous | BAP(R) VU |
Gained | 73.302 | Leucania obsoleta | Obscure Wainscot | LC |
Gained | 73.324 | Agrotis trux | Crescent Dart | LC |
Gained | 73.356 | Xestia agathina | Heath Rustic | BAP(R) LC |
Gained | 74.012 | Earias insulana | Egyptian Bollworm | Rare Adventive |
Gained 2000 | 4.017 | Stigmella centifoliella | (Narrow-barred Dot / Narrow-barred Pigmy) | Local |
Gained | 15.017 | Calybites phasianipennella | (White-marked Stilt / Little Slender) | Local |
Gained | 19.011 | Acrolepiopsis assectella | Leek Moth | Local |
Gained | 49.220 | Rhopobota myrtillana | (Small Bilberry Marble / Bilberry Bell) | Nb |
Gained | 69.0041 | Agrius cingulata | Pink-spotted Hawk-moth | Adventive |
Gained | 73.297 | Mythimna albipuncta | White-point | LC |
Losses (unless/until they are re-found), 136 species in total
but some are migrants or adventives rather than possible former residents:
96 species with last known year before 2000
* indicates approximate year from publication date
Year | ABH No. | Scientific name | Common name | UK Status |
Lost ? 1999 | 49.008 | Philedone gerningana | (Northern Reveller / Cinquefoil Tortrix) | Local |
Lost ? | 49.296 | Notocelia incarnatana | (Scarce Rose Shoot Moth / Chalk Rose Bell) | Nb |
Lost ? | 62.014 | Pempeliella ornatella | (Ornate Knot-horn) | pRDB1 |
Lost ? | 62.053 | Ancylosis oblitella | (Saltmarsh Knot-horn) | Nb |
Lost ? | 70.050 | Xanthorhoe biriviata | Balsam Carpet | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? | 70.056 | Catarhoe cuculata | Royal Mantle | LC |
72.072 | Eublemma ostrina | Purple Marbled | Migrant | |
Lost ? | 73.026 | Deltote uncula | Silver Hook | LC |
Lost ? 1998 | 50.001 | Cossus cossus | Goat Moth | BAP LC |
Lost ? 1997 | 7.007 | Adela cuprella | (Sallow Longhorn / Early Long-horn) | Local |
Lost ? | 15.059 | Phyllonorycter cavella | (Large Birch Leaf-miner / Gold Birch Midget) | Local |
Lost ? | 15.077 | Phyllonorycter scabiosella | (Scabious Leaf-miner / Surrey Midget) | BAP pRDB2 |
Lost ? | 16.023 | Ocnerostoma piniariella | (Ringed Needle-miner / White Pine Ermine) | Nb |
Lost ? | 19.004 | Glyphipterix equitella | (Stonecrop Moth / Stonecrop Fanner) | pRDB3 |
Lost ? | 35.120 | Scrobipalpa artemisiella | Thyme Moth | Nb |
Lost ? 1996 | 29.003 | Dasystoma salicella | (Spring Reveller / Spring Tubic) | Nb |
Lost ? | 73.259 | Polia bombycina | Pale Shining Brown | BAP EN Rare |
Lost ? 1995 | 12.025 | Trichophaga tapetzella | Tapestry Moth | pRDB3 |
Lost ? | 70.035 | Cyclophora porata | False Mocha | BAP LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? 1994 | 49.207 | Ancylis geminana | (Willow Hook-wing / Festooned Roller) | Local |
Lost ? 1993 | 49.018 | Choristoneura hebenstreitella | (Great Tortrix) | Local |
Lost ? 1989 | 71.028 | Clostera pigra | Small Chocolate-tip | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? | 73.277 | Sideridis reticulata | Bordered Gothic | BAP CR(PE) Rare |
Lost ? 1988 | 70.170 | Eupithecia irriguata | Marbled Pug | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? 1986 | 49.148 | Apotomis lineana | (Scarce Willow Marble / Willow Marble) | Nb |
Lost ? | 70.306 | Chlorissa viridata | Small Grass Emerald | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? | 73.055 | Cucullia asteris | Star-wort | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? 1984 | 12.014 | Nemaxera betulinella | (Gold-speckled Fungus Moth / Gold-speckled Clothes Moth) | Nb |
63.1173 | Parapoynx crisonalis | (Pale Asian China-mark) | Adventive | |
Lost ? 1983 | 72.021 | Spilosoma urticae | Water Ermine | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? 1980 | 70.292 | Dyscia fagaria | Grey Scalloped Bar | NT |
Lost ? 1978 | 70.294 | Aspitates ochrearia | Yellow Belle | LC |
Lost ? 1976 | 15.068 | Phyllonorycter distentella | (Splendid Oak Leaf-miner / Scarce Midget) | pRDB2 |
Lost ? | 73.143 | Oria musculosa | Brighton Wainscot | BAP CR(PE) Rare |
Lost ? | 73.322 | Agrotis vestigialis | Archer's Dart | LC |
Lost ? 1975 | 73.118 | Celaena haworthii | Haworth's Minor | BAP(R) LC |
1973 | 35.034 | Sitotroga cerealella | Angoumois Grain Moth | Adventive |
Lost ? 1971 | 38.040 | Elachista trapeziella | (Scarce Wood-rush Miner / Scarce Dwarf) | Na |
Lost ? | 70.026 | Scopula ternata | Smoky Wave | LC |
Lost ? 1969 | 37.004 | Coleophora albella | (Ragged-Robin Case-bearer / Viviparous Case-bearer) | pRDB1 |
Lost ? 1968 | 73.050 | Cucullia absinthii | Wormwood | LC |
73.310 | Dichagyris flammatra | Black Collar | Rare Migrant | |
Lost ? 1967 | 70.032 | Cyclophora albipunctata | Birch Mocha | LC |
Lost ? 1966 | 62.011 | Ortholepis betulae | (Birch Knot-horn) | Nb |
Lost ? 1965 | 70.030 | Cyclophora pendularia | Dingy Mocha | BAP NT Scarce (A) |
1964 | 73.025 | Deltote deceptoria | Pretty Marbled | Rare Migrant |
Lost ? | 73.211 | Enargia paleacea | Angle-striped Sallow | LC |
Lost ? | 73.229 | Trigonophora flammea | Flame Brocade | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? | 73.289 | Mythimna pudorina | Striped Wainscot | LC |
Lost ? 1963 | 35.139 | Caryocolum huebneri | (Hedge Groundling) | Extinct |
Lost ? | 49.146 | Apotomis semifasciana | (Short-barred Marble) | Nb |
Lost ? 1962 | 17.007 | Ypsolopha lucella | (Netted Ochre / Plain Smudge) | Na |
Lost ? 1961 | 49.258 | Zeiraphera rufimitrana | (Fir-shoot Tortrix / Red-headed Bell) | Na |
72.0273 | Lophocampa atomosa | () | Adventive | |
Lost ? 1959 | 49.360 | Pammene splendidulana | (Shining Oak Tortrix / Drab Oak Piercer) | Nb |
1958 | 69.018 | Hippotion celerio | Silver-striped Hawk-moth | Scarce (B) Migrant |
Lost ? 1955 | 36.002 | Batrachedra pinicolella | (Spruce Needle-moth / Pine Cosmet) | Nb |
72.065 | Tathorhynchus exsiccata | Levant Blackneck | Rare Migrant | |
Lost ? 1954 | 45.006 | Platyptilia isodactylus | Hoary Plume | Nb |
Lost ? 1953 | 73.057 | Cucullia lychnitis | Striped Lychnis | BAP LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? 1952 | 73.031 | Tyta luctuosa | Four-spotted | BAP NT Scarce (B) |
Lost ? | 73.072 | Heliothis viriplaca | Marbled Clover | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? 1942 | 73.199 | Jodia croceago | Orange Upperwing | BAP CR(PE) Rare |
Lost ? 1941 | 12.046 | Oinophila v-flava | Yellow V Moth | pRDB2 |
Lost ? 1939 | 28.006 | Denisia augustella | (Surrey Concealer / Surrey Tubic) | Extinct |
Lost ? | 49.232 | Epinotia maculana | (Dark Aspen Roller / Dark Aspen Bell) | Nb |
Lost ? 1938 | 32.022 | Agonopterix capreolella | (Small Burnet Brown / Fuscous Flat-body) | BAP pRDB1 |
1936 | 62.067 | Cadra cautella | Dried Currant Moth | Adventive |
Lost ? 1935 | 12.029 | Tinea flavescentella | (Pale Clothes Moth / Plain Clothes Moth) | pRDB2 |
Lost ? | 35.041 | Bryotropha desertella | (Coast Moss-moth / Desert Neb) | Nb |
Lost ? 1931 | 12.009 | Dryadaula pactolia | (Cellar Moth / Cellar Clothes Moth) | pRDB1 |
Lost ? 1930 | 62.071 | Pyralis lienigialis | (Scarce Meal Moth / Scarce Tabby) | pRDB2 |
Lost ? 1927 | 49.036 | Clepsis rurinana | (Scarce Pale Tortrix / Pale Tortrix) | pRDB1 |
Lost ? 1926 | 20.013 | Argyresthia pygmaeella | (Sallow Tip Moth / Sallow Argent) | Common |
Lost ? | 35.062 | Psamathocrita osseella | (The Cryptic / Grey Neb) | pRDB1 |
Lost ? 1925 | 72.064 | Lygephila craccae | Scarce Blackneck | EN Rare |
Lost ? 1924 | 38.012 | Elachista obliquella | (Woodland Grass-miner / Wood Dwarf) | Nb |
Lost ? 1922 | 43.001 | Scythris fallacella | (Northern Runner / Bronze Owlet) | pRDB1 |
Lost ? 1920 | 35.119 | Scrobipalpa samadensis | (Buck's-horn Root Miner / Buck's-horn Groundling) | Nb |
Lost ? 1917 | 49.104 | Gynnidomorpha luridana | (Bartsia Straw / Bank Conch) | Na |
Lost ? 1912 | 35.083 | Xystophora pulveratella | (Highland Groundling / Scotch Groundling) | pRDB2 |
1909 | 70.0042 | Idaea inquinata | Rusty Wave | Adventive |
1907 | 73.203 | Lithophane furcifera | Conformist | RE Rare Migrant |
Lost ? 1905 | 32.043 | Depressaria sordidatella | (Chervil Brown / Chervil Flat-body) | Nb |
73.041 | Acronicta strigosa | Marsh Dagger | RE Rare Migrant | |
1900 | 73.0895 | Spodoptera ornithogalli | Yellow-striped Armyworm | Adventive |
Lost ? 1898 | * 49.100 | Phalonidia curvistrigana | (Banded Goldenrod Straw / Golden-rod Conch) | pRDB2 |
Lost ? | * 63.023 | Anania verbascalis | (Wood Sage Pearl / Golden Pearl) | Nb |
69.013 | Hyles euphorbiae | Spurge Hawk-moth | Scarce (A) Migrant | |
Lost ? 1895 | 73.184 | Cirrhia ocellaris | Pale-lemon Sallow | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? 1894 | 49.130 | Cochylidia subroseana | (Goldenrod Straw / Dingy Roseate Conch) | pRDB2 |
1888 | 63.0532 | Syllepte vagans | (Leaden Pearl) | Adventive |
Lost ? 1866 | 73.178 | Leucochlaena oditis | Beautiful Gothic | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? 1860 | * 70.129 | Anticollix sparsata | Dentated Pug | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? 1852 | 70.291 | Siona lineata | Black-veined Moth | BAP CR Rare |
Lost ? 1815 | 73.067 | Meganephria bimaculosa | Double-spot Brocade | Uncertain |
- - - - - - - - - | ABH No. | Scientific name | Common name | UK Status |
Lost ? | 4.070 | Trifurcula squamatella | (Scarce Broom Dot / Lost Broom Pigmy) | pRDB1 |
Lost ? | 11.004 | Dahlica inconspicuella | Lesser Lichen Case-bearer | Na |
Lost ? | 12.002 | Tenaga nigripunctella | (Black-spotted Nest Moth / Black-spot Clothes Moth) | Extinct |
12.043 | Haplotinea ditella | (Scarce Warehouse Moth / Scarce Drab Clothes Moth) | Adventive | |
Lost ? | 20.003 | Argyresthia praecocella | (Juniper Berry Moth / Ochreous Argent) | pRDB3 |
Lost ? | 28.011 | Borkhausenia minutella | (Yellow-spot Concealer / Thatch Tubic) | pRDB1 |
Lost ? | 32.028 | Agonopterix pallorella | (Black-streaked Buff / Pale Flat-body) | Nb |
Lost ? | 32.049 | Depressaria discipunctella | (Oxford Brown / Scarce Flat-body) | Extinct |
Lost ? | 37.054 | Coleophora currucipennella | (Wood Pistol Case-bearer / Scarce Wood Case-bearer) | pRDB3 |
Lost ? | 37.059 | Coleophora vibicella | (Large Gold Case-bearer) | BAP pRDB2 |
Lost ? | 37.109 | Coleophora wockeella | (Betony Case-bearer) | BAP pRDB1 |
Lost ? | 38.006 | Elachista collitella | (Coast Grass-miner / Pembroke Dwarf) | pRDB1 |
Lost ? | 43.003 | Scythris fuscoaenea | (Burnished Runner / Brassy Owlet) | Extinct |
Lost ? | 45.024 | Oxyptilus pilosellae | Downland Plume | Extinct |
Lost ? | 49.011 | Archips oporana | (Great Pine Tortrix / Pine Tortrix) | Na |
Lost ? | 49.116 | Aethes williana | (Silver-speckled Straw / Silver Carrot Conch) | Nb |
Lost ? | 49.140 | Brevicornutia pallidana | (Sheep's-bit Straw / Sheep's-bit Conch) | Na |
Lost ? | 49.189 | Endothenia pullana | (Woundwort Marble) | Na |
Lost ? | 49.241 | Epinotia crenana | (Highland Tortrix / Highland Bell) | pRDB2 |
Lost ? | 54.001 | Jordanita globulariae | Scarce Forester | NT Rare |
Lost ? | 62.002 | Lamoria zelleri | (Sandhill Double-spot / Twin-spot Honey Moth) | Na |
Lost ? | 62.023 | Pempelia palumbella | (Heather Knot-horn) | Local |
Lost ? | 62.056 | Homoeosoma nimbella | (Sheep's-bit Knot-horn / Scarce Clouded Knot-horn) | pRDB2 |
63.043 | Diasemia reticularis | (Lettered Sable / Lettered China-mark) | Migrant | |
Lost ? | 70.002 | Idaea muricata | Purple-bordered Gold | LC Scarce (B) |
Lost ? | 70.072 | Entephria caesiata | Grey Mountain Carpet | BAP(R) LC |
Lost ? | 70.266 | Alcis jubata | Dotted Carpet | LC |
Lost ? | 70.293 | Aspitates gilvaria | Straw Belle | BAP EN Rare |
Lost ? | 70.295 | Perconia strigillaria | Grass Wave | LC |
Lost ? | 72.016 | Dicallomera fascelina | Dark Tussock | LC |
Lost ? | 72.018 | Orgyia recens | Scarce Vapourer | BAP EN Rare |
Lost ? | 72.060 | Hypenodes humidalis | Marsh Oblique-barred | LC |
73.056 | Cucullia scrophulariae | Water Betony | Rare Migrant | |
Lost ? | 73.146 | Photedes captiuncula | Least Minor | EN Scarce (A) |
Lost ? | 73.218 | Dicycla oo | Heart Moth | BAP NT Rare |
Lost ? | 73.234 | Dasypolia templi | Brindled Ochre | BAP(R) NT |
Lost ? | 73.299 | Mythimna litoralis | Shore Wainscot | LC |
Lost ? | 73.341 | Standfussiana lucernea | Northern Rustic | LC |
Lost ? | 73.366 | Eugnorisma depuncta | Plain Clay | LC |
Lost ? | 74.001 | Meganola strigula | Small Black Arches | LC Scarce (B) |
Targets: micro-moth species to look for in Gloucestershire
Links are to the species entries on the UK Moths website. Links to those species for which the scientific names have been changed
in amendments to the checklist will not work if the changes have only been applied in one place (here or on UK Moths).
The list of adjacent counties with records is derived from several sources including online maps for Herefordshire,
Worcestershire and Wiltshire, from the scanned manuscript Vice-county maps on the Butterfly Conservation website, from the annual
Microlepidoptera Reviews published in The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, from The Moths and Butterflies of
Great Britain and Ireland (MBGBI) and from the Gelechiid recording scheme. The list is probably incomplete and may contain
some incorrect entries. Monmouthshire is indicated for records from VC35.
Whilst many records shown on VC maps and used here are historical rather than from recent decades, it is possible for a micro-moth to persist unnoticed for many years before it is re-found, particularly if adults of the species are not attracted to light traps. NB Some quite old reports are not shown on more recent maps of records. Nearly all of these target species are nationally rare or scarce in the UK, but so too are some of the gains since 2000, and in some cases those were found as the result of deliberate searching. Prior to their discovery most of them would have been on such a target list, and it seems likely that some of the species below are present in Glos. but as yet unrecorded.
This target list was compiled in early 2022 and updated in April & December 2024. Entries for species initially listed as targets and subsequently found in Gloucestershire, and earlier finds not known to me when I compiled the list, are changed to show this. If only a pre-2000 report is found, the species is added to the losses list and its row below is coloured to indicate this.
Target ABH No. | Scientific name | Common name | UK Status | Typical larval food(s) in UK | Adjacent counties with records |
Target 4.001 | Enteucha acetosae | (Sorrel Dot / Sorrel Pigmy) | Na | Common & Sheep's sorrels | Somerset |
Target 4.011 | Stigmella prunetorum | (Scarce Blackthorn Dot / Scarce Sloe Pigmy) | Nb | Cherries | Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, Warwickshire |
Target 4.028 | Stigmella minusculella | (Little Pear-tree Dot / Brown-tipped Pigmy) | pRDB1 | Pears | Oxfordshire, Herefordshire |
Target 4.029 | Stigmella desperatella | (Scarce Apple Dot / Scarce Apple Pigmy) | pRDB1 | Apple | Herefordshire records, but none for 100+ years |
Target 4.033 | Stigmella carpinella | (Hornbeam Dot / Hornbeam Pigmy) | pRDB2 | Hornbeam | Berkshire, Worcestershire |
Target 4.046 | Stigmella auromarginella | (Gold-edged Dot / Gold-edged Pigmy) | pRDB2 | Bramble | Somerset |
Target 4.066 | Trifurcula eurema | (Lotus Dot / Field Lotus Pigmy) | pRDB3 | Bird's-foot trefoil | Wiltshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 4.069 | Trifurcula beirnei | (Greenweed Dot / Greenweed Pigmy) | pRDB1 | Dyer's greenweed | Herefordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 4.093 | Ectoedemia agrimoniae | (Agrimony Dot / Agrimony Pigmy) | pRDB3 | Agrimony | Berkshire |
Target 4.098 | Ectoedemia spinosella | (Least Blackthorn Dot / Blackthorn Pigmy) | Nb | Blackthorn | Somerset, Wiltshire |
Target 7.011 | Nematopogon pilella | (Brown Longhorn / Pale Brown Long-horn) | Na | Bilberry? | Monmouthshire, Herefordshire |
Target 9.005 | Lampronia flavimitrella | (Scarce Shoot Borer / Bramble Bright) | pRDB3 | Bramble | Wiltshire |
Target 11.003 | Dahlica triquetrella | (Narrow Lichen Case-bearer / Narrow Lichen Bagworm) | pRDB2 | Lichens, Moss, decaying detritus | Berkshire |
Target 11.010 | Bacotia claustrella | (Shining Bagworm) | pRDB3 | Lichens | Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 11.011 | Proutia betulina | (Birch Bagworm) | pRDB3 | ? (Lichens, Grasses, leaves, bark, Pine-cones?) | Worcestershire |
Target 11.014 | Epichnopterix plumella | (Plumed Bagworm / Round-winged Bagworm) | Na | Grasses | Somerset |
Target 11.016 | Acanthopsyche atra | (Lesser Heath Bagworm / Dusky Bagworm) | pRDB3 | Grasses, Heather, Heaths, Sallow | Berkshire |
Target 11.018 | Sterrhopterix fusca | (Dusky Heath Bagworm / Scarce Brown Bagworm) | pRDB1 | Grasses, Heather, Heaths, trees & shrubs | Warwickshire. (Herefordshire old records, now thought extinct) |
Target 12.022 | Nemapogon picarella | (Pied Fungus Moth / Pied Clothes Moth) | BAP pRDB1 | Bracket fungi (Piptoporus betulinus) | Monmouthshire |
Target 12.023 | Triaxomasia caprimulgella | (Tree Hollow Moth / Small Timber Clothes Moth) | pRDB1 | Scavenger on insect remains in spider webs on trees | Herefordshire, Warwickshire Found in Glos. 2022 |
Target 12.040 | Monopis imella | (Coastal Detritus Moth / Felt Clothes Moth) | Nb | Scavenger on animal refuse | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 12.042 | Monopis fenestratella | (Raptor Nest Moth / Brown Timber Clothes Moth) | pRDB2 | Scavenger in nests of birds, bees & wasps | Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 14.011 | Bucculatrix ulmifoliae | (Surrey Elm Tuft / Sapporo Elm Bent-wing) | Adventive colonist | Elm | Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 15.021 | Leucospilapteryx omissella | (Mugwort Stilt / Mugwort Slender) | Nb | Mugwort | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 15.024 | Parornix loganella | (Northern Birch Parornix / Northern Slender) | Nb | Birch | Herefordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 15.027 | Parornix carpinella | (Hornbeam Parornix / Hornbeam Slender) | Na | Hornbeam | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 15.038 | Phyllonorycter kuhlweiniella | (Scarce Oak Leaf-miner / Scarce Oak Midget) | pRDB3 | Oak | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Worcestershire |
Target 15.055 | Phyllonorycter viminetorum | (Osier Leaf-miner / Osier Midget) | Na | Osier | Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 15.069 | Phyllonorycter anderidae | (Small Birch Leaf-miner / Small Birch Midget) | Nb | Birch seedlings | Somerset, Berkshire, Warwickshire |
Target 15.070 | Phyllonorycter quinqueguttella | (Sandhill Leaf-miner / Sandhill Midget) | Nb | Creeping willow | Somerset, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Monmouthshire |
Target 15.0862 | Phyllonorycter pastorella | (Royal Leaf-miner / Royal Midget) | Unknown | Willows (Crack, Weeping) | Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 15.091 | Phyllocnistis ramulicola | (Willow-stem Maze-miner / New Sallow Bent-wing) | Na | Sallows & Willows, Aspen | Wiltshire, Berkshire |
Target 16.006 | Yponomeuta irrorella | (Scarce Spindle Ermine / Scarce Ermine) | Nb | Spindle | Wiltshire, Berkshire Found in Glos. 2023 |
Target 19.008 | Glyphipterix schoenicolella | (Bog-rush Moth / Bog-rush Fanner) | Na | Black bog-rush, Toad rush, Sea club-rush, Sedges? | Wiltshire, Berkshire |
Target 20.008 | Argyresthia abdominalis | (Streaked Tip Moth / Downland Argent) | pRDB2 | Juniper | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 20.009 | Argyresthia aurulentella | (Shining Tip Moth / Gold Juniper Argent) | pRDB3 | Juniper | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Herefordshire |
Target 21.002 | Lyonetia prunifoliella | (Blackthorn Blister Moth / Striped Bent-wing) | pRDB1 | Rosaceous trees & bushes, Birch | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire Found in Glos. 2022 |
Target 21.003 | Leucoptera lotella | (Trefoil Blister Moth / Little Bent-wing) | Na | Bird's-foot trefoil | Wiltshire, Berkshire |
Target 26.001 | Tinagma ocnerostomella | (Speckled Bugloss Moth / Bugloss Spear-wing) | Nb | Viper's bugloss | Wiltshire, Berkshire |
Target 27.002 | Oegoconia caradjai | (Straw Yellowneck / Straw Obscure) | Nb | Leaf-litter, stems | Somerset, Berkshire |
Target 28.003 | Schiffermuelleria grandis | (Silver-streaked Beauty / Silver-streaked Tubic) | pRDB2 | Decayed wood, Under bark | Worcestershire. Found in Glos. 2022 |
Target 28.004 | Denisia similella | (Northern Concealer / Northern Tubic) | Nb | Fungi, dead wood | Herefordshire |
Target 28.007 | Denisia subaquilea | (Heath Concealer / Heath Tubic) | Nb | Decaying leaves of Bilberry | Somerset, Monmouthshire, Herefordshire |
Target 28.016 | Batia internella | (Scarce Tawny Crescent / New Tawny Tubic) | pRDB1 | Lichens on conifer trunks | Wiltshire, Herefordshire |
Target 28.025 | Pleurota bicostella | (Heath Streak / Light Streak) | Local | Heath (Erica) | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 30.004 | Amphisbatis incongruella | (Obscure Concealer / Ling Tubic) | Na | Thyme, Heather (Calluna) | Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 32.006 | Exaeretia allisella | (Shrouded Grey / Mugwort Flat-body) | Na | Mugwort | Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 32.013 | Agonopterix carduella | (Thistle Buff / Thistle Flat-body) | Nb | Thistles, Burdocks, Common knapweed | Somerset, Herefordshire |
Target 32.014 | Agonopterix kuznetzovi | (Cornish Buff / Cornish Flat-body) | pRDB1 | Saw-wort | Somerset |
Target 32.020 | Agonopterix curvipunctosa | (Powdered Buff / Powdered Flat-body) | pRDB3 | Chervils, Cow parsley, (other Umbellifers) | Somerset, Berkshire |
Target 32.027 | Agonopterix bipunctosa | (Twin-spot Buff / Twin-spot Flat-body) | Na | Saw-wort | Wiltshire, Berkshire |
Target 33.002 | Ethmia quadrillella | (Comfrey Ermine / Comfrey Ermel) | Nb | Comfreys, Lungwort, Common gromwell, Wood forget-me-not | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire |
Target 33.006 | Ethmia bipunctella | (Bugloss Ermine / Bordered Ermel) | Nb | Viper's bugloss, Comfreys, other Boraginaceae | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 34.007 | Cosmopterix orichalcea | (Canary-grass Beauty / Marsh Cosmet) | Na | Grasses in damp places | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Herefordshire |
Target 34.009 | Cosmopterix pulchrimella | (Pellitory Beauty / Pellitory Cosmet) | Na | Pellitory-of-the-wall | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Monmouthshire. Found in VC34 2022 |
Target 34.010 | Cosmopterix lienigiella | (Pale Reed Beauty / Fen Cosmet) | Nb | Common reed | Berkshire |
Target 34.012 | Sorhagenia rhamniella | (Buckthorn Shoot-borer / August Cosmet) | Na | Alder buckthorn, (Buckthorn) | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 34.013 | Sorhagenia lophyrella | (Buckthorn Bud-borer / Buckthorn Cosmet) | Na | Buckthorn, Alder Buckthorn | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire |
Target 34.014 | Sorhagenia janiszewskae | (Buckthorn Twig-borer / Wood Cosmet) | Na | Alder buckthorn | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire.   Found in Glos. 2024 |
Target 35.029 | Brachmia inornatella | (Fen Snout / Fen Crest) | Na | Common reed | Warwickshire |
Target 35.032 | Pexicopia malvella | Hollyhock Seed Moth | Nb | Hollyhock, Marsh-mallow | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Monmouthshire Found in Glos. 2023 |
Target 35.033 | Platyedra subcinerea | (Mallow Seed Moth / Mallow Crest) | Nb | Common mallow | Somerset, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Herefordshire Found in Glos. 2024 |
Target 35.048 | Bryotropha umbrosella | (Sandhill Moss-moth / Sandhill Neb) | Nb | Mosses on walls & coastal sandhills | Somerset, Oxfordshire |
Target 35.059 | Metzneria aprilella | (Flame Seedhead Moth / Brilliant Neb) | Nb | Greater knapweed | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Worcestershire Found in Glos. 2023 |
Target 35.069 | Monochroa elongella | (Silverweed Borer / Pembroke Neb) | pRDB1 | Silverweed | Wiltshire |
Target 35.072 | Monochroa divisella | (Iris Miner / Scarce Marsh Neb) | pRDB1 | Iris | Somerset |
Target 35.075 | Monochroa arundinetella | (Pond-sedge Miner / Sedge Neb) | pRDB1 | Greater & Lesser pond-sedges | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Monmouthshire |
Target 35.076 | Monochroa suffusella | (Cottongrass Borer / Notch-wing Neb) | pRDB3 | Common cottongrass, other unknown | Somerset, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 35.077 | Monochroa hornigi | (Persicaria Borer / Knotweed Neb) | Na | Knotweeds (Pale persicaria) | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 35.079 | Oxypteryx wilkella | (Silver-barred Moss-moth / Painted Neb) | Nb | Common mouse-ear | Somerset, Berkshire, Worcestershire |
Target 35.082 | Oxypteryx immaculatella | (Obscure Neb / Twilight Neb) | Nb | Slender St. John's-wort | Herefordshire |
Target 35.086 | Athrips tetrapunctella | (Scarce Vetch Moth / Northern Groundling) | pRDB2 | Marsh pea, Bitter vetch | Wiltshire |
Target 35.089 | Prolita sexpunctella | (Six-spotted Groundling / Six-spot Groundling) | Nb | Heather (Calluna) | Oxfordshire, Herefordshire |
Target 35.094 | Aroga velocella | (Striped Sorrel Moth / Dusky Groundling) | Local | Sheep's sorrel | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 35.095 | Chionodes distinctella | (Moss Groundling / Eastern Groundling) | Na | Bird's-foot Trefoil, Sheep's sorrel | Somerset, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 35.096 | Chionodes fumatella | (Smoky Groundling / Downland Groundling) | Nb | Mosses?, Bird's-foot trefoil? | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 35.102 | Gelechia muscosella | (Dusky Willow Gelechia / Grey Sallow Groundling) | pRDB3 | Willows, Poplars | Monmouthshire |
Target 35.103 | Gelechia cuneatella | (Willow Spinner / Long-winged Groundling) | pRDB1 | Willows (White, Crack) | Oxfordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 35.106 | Gelechia turpella | (Poplar Gelechia / Grand Groundling) | pRDB2 | Black & Lombardy poplars, Sallows? | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Warwickshire |
Target 35.113 | Scrobipalpa salicorniae | (Glasswort Moth / Sea-aster Groundling) | Na | Glasswort & associated plants | Somerset |
Target 35.114 | Scrobipalpa instabilella | (Purslane Moth / Saltern Groundling) | Nb | Sea purslane & associated plants | Somerset |
Target 35.118 | Scrobipalpa ocellatella | Beet Moth | Nb | Beets (Sea beet) | Somerset, Wiltshire. Found in Glos. 2022 |
Target 35.128 | Caryocolum alsinella | (Narrow Groundling) | Na | Little mouse-ear | Somerset, Berkshire |
Target 35.130 | Caryocolum vicinella | (Coast Groundling) | Na | Sea campion | Somerset |
Target 35.131 | Caryocolum marmorea | (Mouse-ear Groundling / Beautiful Groundling) | Nb | Common & Little mouse-ears | Somerset, Berkshire |
Target 35.138 | Caryocolum junctella | (Winter Groundling / Confluent Groundling) | pRDB3 | Mouse-ears, Lesser stitchwort | Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 35.142 | Teleiodes wagae | (Hazel Grey / Hazel Groundling) | Na | Hazel, Birch, Sweet chestnut | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Monmouthshire |
Target 35.144 | Teleiodes flavimaculella | (Orange-marked / Chestnut Groundling) | pRDB1 | Sweet chestnut?, Oak? | Wiltshire |
Target 35.154 | Xenolechia aethiops | (Scorched Heath / Moorland Groundling) | pRDB3 | Heath (Erica) | Somerset, Berkshire, Monmouthshire |
Target 37.008 | Coleophora adjectella | (Southern Case-bearer) | pRDB2 | Blackthorn | Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 37.017 | Coleophora prunifoliae | (Sloe Case-bearer / New Sloe Case-bearer) | Nb | Blackthorn, Dwarf cherry, Apples | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Herefordshire, Warwickshire
Found in part of VC37 Worcestershire in present-day Glos. in 2021 |
Target 37.047 | Coleophora amethystinella | (Tare Case-bearer / Coast Green Case-bearer) | pRDB2 | Smooth tare | Somerset |
Target 37.065 | Coleophora pennella | (Bugloss Case-bearer) | Na | Viper's bugloss, Alkanet | Wiltshire |
Target 37.068 | Coleophora adjunctella | (Saltern Rush Case-bearer / Saltern-rush Case-bearer) | Nb | Saltmarsh rush | Somerset. Found in VC34 2024 |
Target 37.077 | Coleophora lassella | (Toad Rush Case-bearer / Toad-rush Case-bearer) | Nb | Toad rush | Berkshire. Found in Glos. 2022 |
Target 37.084 | Coleophora sternipennella | (Goosefoot Case-bearer / Speckled Case-bearer) | Nb | Oraches, Goosefoots (Fat-hen) | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 37.085 | Coleophora squamosella | (Blue Fleabane Case-bearer / Surrey Case-bearer) | pRDB2 | Blue fleabane | Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire |
Target 37.087 | Coleophora vestianella | (Scarce Orache Case-bearer / Eastern Case-bearer) | Na | Goosefoots, Oraches (Common) | Berkshire |
Target 37.096 | Coleophora gardesanella | (Small Streaked Case-bearer) | Na | Sea wormwood, Mugwort, Sneezewort, Yarrow, Tansy, Oxeye daisy | Somerset, Wiltshire |
Target 37.098 | Coleophora inulae | (Fleabane Case-bearer) | Na | Ploughman's spikenard, Common fleabane | Wiltshire, Herefordshire |
Target 37.105 | Coleophora nutantella | (Campion Case-bearer) | Na | Bladder campion, Nottingham catchfly | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 37.107 | Coleophora clypeiferella | (Fat Hen Case-bearer / Body-marked Case-bearer) | Na | Fat-hen | Wiltshire, Worcestershire |
Target 38.013 | Elachista cingillella | (Millet Grass-miner / White-tipped Dwarf) | pRDB1 | Wood millet,(other grasses?) | Herefordshire |
Target 38.016 | Elachista subalbidella | (Buff Grass-miner / Buff Dwarf) | Local | Purple moor-grass, (other grasses?) | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, Warwickshire |
Target 38.021 | Elachista tengstromi | (Hairy Wood-rush Miner / Small Wood-rush Dwarf) | pRDBK | (?) Great & Hairy wood-rushes | Oxfordshire, Monmouthshire |
Target 38.026 | Elachista kilmunella | (Moorland Sedge-miner / Moorland Dwarf) | Local | Sedges | Herefordshire, Warwickshire |
Target 38.042 | Elachista serricornis | (Dusky Sedge-miner / Dusky Dwarf) | Na | Wood-sedge, other sedges? | Somerset |
Target 38.043 | Elachista scirpi | (Saltern Rush-miner / Saltern Dwarf) | Na | Sea club-rush, Saltmarsh & Round-fruited rushes | Somerset. Found in Glos. 2024 |
Target 39.004 | Dystebenna stephensi | (Tufted Oak Moth / Oak Cosmet) | Na | Oak | Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 43.009 | Scythris empetrella | (Ling Runner / Ling Owlet) | pRDB2 | Heather (Calluna), Bell heather | Somerset |
Target 45.001 | Agdistis bennetii | Saltmarsh Plume | Local | Sea-lavenders, Sea aster | Wiltshire |
Target 45.005 | Platyptilia calodactyla | Goldenrod Plume | Na | Goldenrod | Somerset |
Target 45.014 | Stenoptilia scabiodactylus | Gregson's Plume | Unknown | Small scabious | Somerset |
Target 45.019 | Stenoptilia millieridactyla | Saxifrage Plume | Nb | Saxifrages (Mossy) | Somerset |
Target 45.026 | Oxyptilus distans | Breckland Plume | Nb | Smooth Hawk's-beard, Mouse-ear hawkweed | Somerset |
Target 45.035 | Wheeleria spilodactylus | Horehound Plume | pRDB2 | White horehound | Somerset |
Target 45.040 | Hellinsia lienigianus | Mugwort Plume | Nb | Mugwort | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 47.007 | Epermenia farreni | (White-spotted Drab / Scarce Lance-wing) | pRDB1 | Wild parsnip, Hogweed | Oxfordshire |
Target 49.010 | Philedonides lunana | (Northern Heath Tortrix / Heath Tortrix) | Nb | Herbaceous plants, shrubs, (conifer seedlings) | Monmouthshire |
Target 49.011 | Archips oporana | (Great Pine Tortrix / Pine Tortrix) | Na | Conifers | Wiltshire, Berkshire. Historical Glos. report found |
Target 49.064 | Acleris caledoniana | (Caledonian Tortrix / Caledonian Button) | Local | Herbaceous plants in moorland & mountains | Somerset, Monmouthshire, Herefordshire |
Target 49.079 | Acleris shepherdana | (Fen Tortrix / Meadow-sweet Button) | Nb | Meadowsweet | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire |
Target 49.081 | Acleris permutana | (Burnet Rose Tortrix / Buff Button) | pRDB2 | Burnet Rose | Somerset |
Target 49.089 | Acleris rufana | (Sweet-gale Tortrix / Sweet-gale Button) | Na | Bog-myrtle, (White poplar, Willows, Meadowsweet) | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire |
Target 49.107 | Gynnidomorpha permixtana | (Coast Straw / Coast Conch) | pRDB1 | Red bartsia | Somerset |
Target 49.112 | Eupoecilia ambiguella | Vine Moth | Nb | Vines & shrubs | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Herefordshire |
Target 49.113 | Commophila aeneana | (Orange Beauty / Orange Conch) | Nb | Common ragwort | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 49.118 | Aethes margaritana | (Silver-striped Straw / Silver Coast Conch) | pRDB2 | Yarrow, Scented mayweed, Oxeye daisy, Tansy | Berkshire |
Target 49.119 | Aethes rutilana | (Beautiful Straw / Juniper Conch) | pRDB1 | Juniper | Berkshire |
Target 49.130 | Cochylidia subroseana | (Goldenrod Straw / Dingy Roseate Conch) | pRDB2 | Goldenrod | Herefordshire. Historical Glos. report found |
Target 49.131 | Cochylidia heydeniana | (Blue Fleabane Straw / Blue-fleabane Conch) | Na | Blue & Canadian fleabanes | Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 49.153 | Apotomis sauciana | (Least Marble / Bilberry Marble) | Local | Bilberry, Bearberry | Somerset, Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 49.160 | Celypha rufana | (Rufous Marble / Lakes Marble) | pRDB3 | Tansy, Mugwort | Monmouthshire |
Target 49.163 | Celypha rurestrana | (Devon Marble / Hawkweed Marble) | pRDB1 | Hawkweeds | Monmouthshire |
Target 49.172 | Phiaris schulziana | (Large Marble) | Local | Crowberry, Heather | Herefordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 49.173 | Phiaris micana | (Olive Marble) | Nb | Herbaceous plants?, Mosses? | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Monmouthshire, Warwickshire |
Target 49.196 | Bactra lacteana | (Sedge Lance / Scarce Sedge Marble) | Nb | Carnation sedge | Wiltshire |
Target 49.201 | Ancylis unguicella | (Heath Hook-wing / Broken-barred Roller) | Local | Heather, Bell heather | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 49.210 | Ancylis unculana | (Buckthorn Hook-wing / Buckthorn Roller) | Nb | Buckthorn, Alder buckthorn | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 49.219 | Thiodia citrana | (Canary Tortrix / Lemon Bell) | Nb | Yarrow, Field wormwood, Stinking chamomile | Somerset |
Target 49.239 | Epinotia mercuriana | (Moorland Tortrix / Moorland Bell) | Nb | Heather, Bilberry, Sallows, Willows | Herefordshire |
Target 49.256 | Epinotia cinereana | (Grey Aspen Tortrix / Grey Aspen Bell) | Unknown | Aspen | Worcestershire |
Target 49.262 | Phaneta pauperana | (Scarce Rose Tortrix / Scarce Rose Bell) | pRDB3 | Dog-rose | Berkshire |
Target 49.263 | Pelochrista caecimaculana | (Chalk Hill Tortrix / Chalk-hill Bell) | Na | Common knapweed, Saw-wort? | Somerset, Berkshire |
Target 49.270 | Eucosma aemulana | (Mottled Goldenrod Tortrix / Obscure Bell) | pRDB2 | Goldenrod | Somerset, Herefordshire |
Target 49.274 | Eucosma metzneriana | (Mugwort Tortrix / Mugwort Bell) | pRDB3 | Mugwort, Wormwood | Berkshire |
Target 49.277 | Eucosma pupillana | (Eyed Tortrix / Eyed Bell) | Nb | Wormwood | Berkshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 49.287 | Epiblema cnicicolana | (Fleabane Stem-borer / Fleabane Bell) | pRDB3 | Common fleabane | Berkshire |
Target 49.299 | Pseudococcyx posticana | (Dark Pine Shoot Moth / Dark Pine Shoot) | Nb | Scots pine | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 49.303 | Clavigesta sylvestrana | (Small Pine Shoot Moth / Small Pine Shoot) | Na | Maritime, Stone & Scots pines | Berkshire, Herefordshire |
Target 49.314 | Dichrorampha sylvicolana | (Sneezewort Moth / Sneezewort Drill) | pRDB3 | Sneezewort | Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 49.323 | Dichrorampha alpestrana | (Northern Yarrow Moth / Spike-marked Drill) | Local | Yarrow, Tansy | Monmouthshire, Herefordshire (Formerly D. montanana) |
Target 49.327 | Cydia microgrammana | (Rest-harrow Piercer) | Nb | Common restharrow | Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 49.3275 | Cydia interscindana | (Beautiful Juniper Piercer / Juniper Piercer) | Juniper | Berkshire | |
Target 49.336 | Cydia pactolana | (Scarce Spruce Bark Moth / Scarce Spruce Piercer) | pRDB1 | Norway spruce, Larch | Berkshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire |
Target 49.364 | Pammene suspectana | (Ash Bark Tortrix / Ash-bark Piercer) | pRDB2 | Ash | Somerset, Wiltshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire Found in Glos. 2022 |
Target 49.368 | Pammene herrichiana | (Early Mast Piercer / Beech-mast Piercer) | Na | Beech | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Monmouthshire |
Target 49.369 | Pammene agnotana | (Hawthorn Bark Tortrix / Guildford Piercer) | pRDB1 | Hawthorn | Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 49.3771 | Pammene juniperana | (Juniper Berry Piercer) | Juniper | Berkshire | |
Target 62.013 | Uncinus obductella | (Marjorum Knot-horn / Kent Knot-horn) | pRDB3 | Marjoram | Berkshire, Oxfordshire |
Target 62.016 | Sciota hostilis | (Aspen Knot-horn / Scarce Aspen Knot-horn) | BAP pRDB1 | Aspen | Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 62.022 | Pempelia genistella | (Gorse Knot-horn) | Nb | Gorse | Somerset, Wiltshire, Herefordshire. Found in Glos. 2023 |
Target 62.026 | Dioryctria schuetzeella | (Spruce Knot-horn) | Nb | Norway & White spruces, Silver fir | Berkshire |
Target 62.041 | Eurhodope cirrigerella | (Scabious Knot-horn / Hairy Knot-horn) | Field scabious | Wiltshire 2019 & 2020 (previously thought extinct in UK), Berkshire | |
Target 62.061 | Vitula biviella | (Pine-blossom Knot-horn) | Na | Pine flowers | Berkshire |
Target 62.069 | Anerastia lotella | (Sandhill Knot-horn) | Nb | Marram, Sheep's fescue, Grey hair-grass, other grasses? | Somerset, Wiltshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire |
Target 62.070 | Synaphe punctalis | (Long-legged Tabby) | Local | Terrestrial mosses | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Worcestershire |
Target 62.073 | Aglossa caprealis | Small Tabby | pRDB2 | Vegetable matter (usually damp) | Berkshire |
Target 63.013 | Nascia cilialis | (Orange-rayed Pearl) | Nb | Greater pond-sedge, other sedges | Somerset |
Target 63.039 | Mecyna flavalis | (Chalk Hill Pearl / Yellow Pearl) | pRDB3 | Herbaceous plants? | Wiltshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire. Found in Glos. 2022 |
Target 63.041 | Agrotera nemoralis | (Beautiful Pearl) | BAP pRDB1 | Hornbeam | Somerset, Herefordshire |
Target 63.050 | Dolicharthria punctalis | (Long-legged Pearl / Long-legged China-mark) | Nb | Decaying coastal vegetation | Somerset |
Target 63.056 | Cynaeda dentalis | (Starry Pearl) | Na | Viper's bugloss | Wiltshire |
Target 63.068 | Eudonia murana | (Moorland Grey) | Local | Mosses on rocks & walls on moorlands & mountains | Monmouthshire, Herefordshire |
Target 63.082 | Crambus silvella | (Bog Grass-moth / Wood Grass-veneer) | pRDB3 | Sedges | Wiltshire |
Target 63.087 | Crambus hamella | (Southern Heath Grass-moth / Dark Grass-veneer) | Nb | Wavy hair-grass? | Somerset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Monmouthshire, Worcestershire |
Target 63.108 | Pediasia fascelinella | (Dune Grass-moth / Banded Grass-veneer) | pRDB3 | Grasses on sandhills | Somerset |
Target 63.111 | Platytes cerussella | (Little Grass-moth / Little Grass-veneer) | Local | Grasses (Fescues)?, Sand sedge? | Somerset, Worcestershire |
Target 63.112 | Platytes alpinella | (Hook-tipped Grass-moth / Hook-tipped Grass-veneer) | Nb | Mosses | Somerset, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Monmouthshire, Herefordshire |
Target 63.119 | Musotima nitidalis | (Marbled Fern / Fern China-mark) | Adventive colonist | Ferns | Wiltshire, Berkshire |
VC33 Targets: micro-moth species to look for in VC33 East Gloucestershire, recorded in VC34 West Gloucestershire and one or more other adjacent Vice Counties
These species have no mapped VC33 records but they have been recorded and mapped in VC34 West Gloucestershire since 2000, and they have also been recorded at some time (but not necessarily since 2000) in one or more other Vice Counties adjacent to VC33:
This list excludes species whose larval foodplants are rare in, or absent from VC33 in the countryside, e.g. Bilberry, Broom and Heathers.
Entries in boldface are species recorded in at least 5 tetrads in VC34 since 2000.
VC33 Target ABH No. | Scientific name | Common name | UK Status | Typical larval food(s) in UK | Adjacent Vice Counties with records |
VC33 Target 4.005 | Stigmella betulicola | (Birch Dot / Common Birch Pigmy) | Local | Silver & Downy Birches | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 4.017 | Stigmella centifoliella | (Narrow-barred Dot / Narrow-barred Pigmy) | Local | Roses | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC38 |
VC33 Target 4.024 | Stigmella magdalenae | (Northern Rowan Dot / Northern Rowan Pigmy) | Local | Rowan | VC34, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 4.031 | Stigmella mespilicola | (Wild-service Dot / Wild-service Pigmy) | pRDB2 | Wild service tree, Whitebeams | VC34, VC37 |
VC33 Target 4.044 | Stigmella continuella | (Silver-barred Birch Dot / Double-barred Pigmy) | Local | Birch | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 4.073 | Bohemannia auriciliella | (Gold-fringed Dot / Gold-fringed Pigmy) | pRDB1 | probably Birch | VC34, VC22, VC37 |
VC33 Target 4.079 | Zimmermannia atrifrontella | (Oak-bark Dot / Oak-bark Pigmy) | Unknown | Oak | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 4.081 | Zimmermannia amani | (Elm-bark Dot / Elm-bark Pigmy) | pRDB1 | Elms | VC34, VC37 |
VC33 Target 8.005 | Phylloporia bistrigella | (Striped Cutter / Striped Leaf-cutter) | Local | Birch | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37 |
VC33 Target 12.011 | Triaxomera fulvimitrella | (Four-spotted Fungus Moth / Four-spotted Clothes Moth) | Na | Bracket fungi on beech & oak, dead wood | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 12.019 | Nemapogon ruricolella | (Rufous Fungus Moth / Gold-sheen Clothes Moth) | Nb | Bracket fungi, rotting wood | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 12.020 | Nemapogon variatella | (Variegated Fungus Moth / Pale Corn Clothes Moth) | pRDB3 | Bracket fungi | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 12.035 | Niditinea striolella | (Brindled Nest Moth / Brindled Clothes Moth) | Nb | Scavenger in birds' nests in holes & boxes | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 15.007 | Caloptilia azaleella | (Azalea Leaf-miner) | Local | Azaleas, Rhododendrons | VC34, VC22, VC37 |
VC33 Target 15.0131 | Caloptilia honoratella | (Pale Maple Stilt) | --- | Sycamore | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 15.035 | Phyllonorycter roboris | (Beautiful Oak Leaf-miner / Gold-bent Midget) | Nb | Oak | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 15.037 | Phyllonorycter tenerella | (Hornbeam Leaf-miner / Hornbeam Midget) | Local | Hornbeam | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC38 |
VC33 Target 15.088 | Phyllonorycter sagitella | (Aspen Leaf-miner / Scarce Aspen Midget) | BAP pRDB2 | Aspen | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC38 |
VC33 Target 16.006 | Yponomeuta irrorella | (Scarce Spindle Ermine / Scarce Ermine) | pRDB2 | Spindle | VC34, VC22, VC23 |
VC33 Target 16.018 | Swammerdamia compunctella | (Rowan Drab / Rowan Ermine) | Na | Rowan, Hawthorn | VC34, VC7, VC37 |
VC33 Target 17.015 | Ochsenheimeria urella | (Bull's-horn Stem Moth / Variable Stem-moth) | Nb | Coarse grasses | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23 |
VC33 Target 28.003 | Schiffermuelleria grandis | (Silver-streaked Beauty / Silver-streaked Tubic) | pRDB2 | Decayed wood, Under bark | VC34, VC22, VC37 |
VC33 Target 28.017 | Batia lambdella | (Tawny Crescent / Greater Tawny Tubic) | Local | Dead wood of gorse & other shrubs & trees | VC34, VC22 |
VC33 Target 28.020 | Dasycera oliviella | (Cream-spot Bark Moth / Scarce Forest Tubic) | Na | Decaying wood under bark | VC34, VC22, VC37 |
VC33 Target 28.021 | Oecophora bractella | (Beautiful Bark Moth / Gold-base Tubic) | Na | Decaying wood under bark | VC34, VC37 |
VC33 Target 28.027 | Aplota palpellus | (Gold-flecked Hopper / Scarce Brown Streak) | BAP pRDB2 | Moss on deciduous trees or rocks | VC34, VC7, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 30.002 | Agnoea subochreella | (Straw Concealer / Straw-coloured Tubic) | Nb | Leaf-litter | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC37 |
VC33 Target 32.016 | Agonopterix propinquella | (Black-spot Buff / Black-spot Flat-body) | Local | Spear & Creeping thistles | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 32.045 | Depressaria albipunctella | (White-spot Brown / White-spot Flat-body) | Na | Wild carrot, Upright hedge-parsley | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC37 |
VC33 Target 34.014 | Sorhagenia janiszewskae | (Buckthorn Twig-borer / Wood Cosmet) | Na | Alder buckthorn | VC34, VC22, VC23 |
VC33 Target 35.023 | Dichomeris ustalella | (Lime Snout / Worcester Crest) | pRDB1 | Small-leaved lime | VC34, VC37 |
VC33 Target 35.037 | Thiotricha subocellea | (Marjoram Case-bearer / Eyelet Sober) | Nb | Marjorum, Water mint, Thyme | VC34, VC7, VC22 |
VC33 Target 35.073 | Monochroa palustrellus | (Dock Streak / Wainscot Neb) | Nb | Curled dock | VC34, VC22 |
VC33 Target 35.107 | Psoricoptera gibbosella | (Tufted Oak Roller / Humped Groundling) | Local | Oak | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 35.132 | Caryocolum fraternella | (Stitchwort Groundling / Mouse-ear Groundling) | Local | Bog & Lesser stitchworts, Common & Field mouse-ears | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 35.153 | Pseudotelphusa paripunctella | (Domino Groundling / Tawny Groundling) | Nb | Oak, Bog-myrtle | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 35.155 | Altenia scriptella | (Marbled Maple Moth / Horse-shoe Groundling) | Na | Field maple | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC37 |
VC33 Target 36.0019 | Batrachedra confusella | (Pine Needle-moth) | Nb | Scots pine, (Larch?) | VC34, VC22 |
VC33 Target 37.040 | Coleophora lithargyrinella | (Stitchwort Case-bearer / Sandy Case-bearer) | Nb | Greater stitchwort, (Chickweeds, Campions) | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37 |
VC33 Target 37.050 | Coleophora albidella | (Sallow Pistol Case-bearer / White Sallow Case-bearer) | Local | Willows | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 37.077 | Coleophora lassella | (Toad Rush Case-bearer / Toad-rush Case-bearer) | Nb | Toad rush | VC34, VC22 |
VC33 Target 37.100 | Coleophora solitariella | (Southern Stitchwort Case-bearer / Ochreous Case-bearer) | Nb | Greater stitchwort | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 39.006 | Chrysoclista lathamella | (Willow Flame / Orange-blotch Cosmet) | pRDB2 | Willows, Sallows | VC34, VC37 |
VC33 Target 49.003 | Sparganothis pilleriana | (Bog Snout / Long-nosed Tortrix) | Na | Herbaceous plants in wet habitats | VC34, VC7, VC22 |
VC33 Target 49.041 | Adoxophyes orana | (Summer Fruit Tortrix) | Nb | Fruit & other trees, shrubs & climbers | VC34, VC37 |
VC33 Target 49.043 | Exapate congelatella | (Frost Tortrix / Autumnal Shade) | Local | Shrubs, herbaceous plants | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 49.053 | Cnephasia pumicana | (Cereal Tortrix) | Local | Cereal crops, grasses, legumes, flax | VC34, VC22, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 49.143 | Eudemis porphyrana | (Apple Marble) | Na | Apple | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC37 |
VC33 Target 49.145 | Pseudosciaphila branderiana | (Aspen Marble / Great Marble) | Nb | Aspen | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 49.152 | Apotomis sororculana | (Lesser Birch Marble / Narrow-winged Marble) | Nb | Birch | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 49.164 | Celypha cespitana | (Thyme Marble) | Local | Thyme, Sea-lavender, other herbaceous plants | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23 |
VC33 Target 49.199 | Eucosmomorpha albersana | (Honeysuckle Beauty / Honeysuckle Bell) | Local | Honeysuckle | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 49.202 | Ancylis uncella | (Heather Hook-wing / Bridge Roller) | Local | Heathers, Birch | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 49.204 | Ancylis obtusana | (Lesser Hook-wing / Small Buckthorn Roller) | Nb | Buckthorn, Alder buckthorn | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37 |
VC33 Target 49.206 | Ancylis upupana | (Southern Hook-wing / Dark Roller) | Nb | Birch, Elm | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 49.212 | Ancylis apicella | (Streaked Hook-wing / Hook-tipped Roller) | Nb | Buckthorn, Alder buckthorn | VC34, VC22, VC23, VC38 |
VC33 Target 49.229 | Epinotia caprana | (Large Willow Roller / Large Sallow Bell) | Local | Sallows, Willows, Bog-myrtle | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC38 |
VC33 Target 49.300 | Pseudococcyx turionella | (Pine Bud Moth) | Nb | Scots pine, (other pines) | VC34, VC7, VC22 |
VC33 Target 62.008 | Salebriopsis albicilla | (Lime Knot-horn) | pRDB2 | Small-leaved lime | VC34, VC7, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 62.010 | Elegia similella | (White-barred Knot-horn) | Nb | Oak | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 62.025 | Dioryctria sylvestrella | (Chequered Pine Knot-horn / New Pine Knot-horn) | Nb | Scots Pine, other conifers | VC34, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 62.027 | Dioryctria simplicella | (Drab Pine Knot-horn / Brown Pine Knot-horn) | Local | Scots & Corsican pines | VC34, VC22, VC37, VC38 |
VC33 Target 62.055 | Homoeosoma nebulella | (Clouded Knot-horn / Large Clouded Knot-horn) | Nb | Spear thistle, Ragwort, Oxeye daisy?, Tansy? | VC34, VC7, VC22, VC23 |
VC33 Target 63.019 | Anania stachydalis | (Woundwort Pearl) | Nb | Woundworts | VC34, VC37 |
VC33 Target 63.071 | Eudonia lineola | (Coast Grey / White-line Grey) | Nb | Lichen (Xanthoria parietina) | VC34, VC22 |
VC34 Targets: micro-moth species to look for in VC34 West Gloucestershire, recorded in VC33 East Gloucestershire and one or more other adjacent Vice Counties
These species have no mapped VC34 records but they have been recorded and mapped in VC33 East Gloucestershire since 2000, and they have also been recorded at some time (but not necessarily since 2000) in one or more other Vice Counties adjacent to VC34:
This list excludes species whose larval foodplants are rare in, or absent from VC34 in the countryside, e.g. Bastard-toadflax Thesium humifusum.
Entries in boldface are species recorded in at least 5 tetrads in VC33 since 2000.
VC34 Target ABH No. | Scientific name | Common name | UK Status | Typical larval food(s) in UK | Adjacent Vice Counties with records |
VC34 Target 4.064 | Glaucolepis headleyella | (Cryptic Dot / Wood Lotus Pigmy) | pRDB2 | Self-heal | VC33, VC7 |
VC34 Target 4.065 | Trifurcula cryptella | (Self-heal Dot / Self-heal Pigmy) | Na | Bird's-foot Trefoil | VC33, VC6, VC7, VC36, VC37 |
VC34 Target 27.003 | Oegoconia deauratella | (Barred Yellowneck / Scarce Obscure) | Local | Leaf-litter, dried roots & stems | VC33, VC7, VC35, VC37 |
VC34 Target 32.044 | Depressaria douglasella | (Carrot Brown / Carrot Flat-body) | Nb | Wild carrot, Wild parsnip, Upright hedge-parsley | VC33, VC6, VC7, VC36, VC37 |
VC34 Target 34.008 | Cosmopterix scribaiella | (Reed Beauty / New Marsh Cosmet) | Na | Common reed | VC33, VC35 |
VC34 Target 35.032 | Pexicopia malvella | (Hollyhock Seed Moth) | Nb | Hollyhock, Marsh-mallow | VC33, VC6, VC35 |
VC34 Target 35.105 | Gelechia nigra | (Black Gelechia / Black Groundling) | Na | Aspen, White & Grey poplars | VC33, VC6, VC7, VC36, VC37 |
VC34 Target 35.127 | Tuta absoluta | (Tomato Leaf-miner) | Adventive colonist | Tomato | VC33, VC7, VC37 |
VC34 Target 37.029 | Coleophora orbitella | (Dusky Case-bearer / Pale Birch Case-bearer) | Nb | Birch, Alder | VC33, VC6, VC7, VC36, VC37 |
VC34 Target 37.081 | Coleophora therinella | (Black Bindweed Case-bearer / Black-bindweed Case-bearer) | Nb | Black bindweed | VC33, VC7, VC37 |
VC34 Target 37.090 | Coleophora artemisicolella | (Mugwort Case-bearer) | Local | Mugwort | VC33, VC35, VC36, VC37 |
VC34 Target 38.028 | Elachista alpinella | (Marsh Sedge-miner / Marsh Dwarf) | Nb | Sedges (Greater & Lesser pond-, Slender tufted-, Greater tussock-) | VC33, VC7, VC36, VC37 |
VC34 Target 38.034 | Elachista orstadii | (Obscure Grass-miner / Scotch Dwarf) | pRDB3 | Undetermined | VC33, VC7 |
VC34 Target 38.045 | Elachista utonella | (Bog Sedge-miner / Bog Dwarf) | Nb | Sedges (Lesser pond, Greater tussock, Bladder) | VC33, VC6, VC7, VC35, VC37 |
VC34 Target 43.007 | Scythris limbella | (Goosefoot Runner / Goosefoot Owlet) | pRDB3 | Oraches, Goosefoots | VC33, VC37 |
VC34 Target 47.002 | Phaulernis dentella | (Dusky Ridge-back / Scale-tooth Lance-wing) | Na | Rough chervil, Ground-elder, Burnet saxifrage | VC33, VC7, VC36, VC37 |
VC34 Target 49.020 | Argyrotaenia ljungiana | (Heather Tortrix) | Common | Trees & shrubs, herbaceous plants | VC33, VC35, VC36, VC37 |
VC34 Target 49.033 | Aphelia viburnana | (Bilberry Tortrix) | Common | Shrubs, herbaceous plants | VC33, VC6, VC35, VC36, VC37 |
VC34 Target 49.350 | Grapholita caecana | (Sainfoin Piercer) | pRDB3 | Sainfoin | VC33, VC7 |
VC34 Target 62.059 | Phycitodes saxicola | (Lesser Clouded Knot-horn / Small Clouded Knot-horn) | Local | Various composites | VC33, VC6, VC7 |
VC34 Target 63.058 | Evergestis extimalis | (Marbled Yellow Pearl) | Local | Perennial wall-rocket, Charlock, White mustard, other crucifers | VC33, VC6, VC35, VC37 |
VC34 Target 63.122 | Donacaula mucronella | (Streaked Water-veneer / Scarce Water-veneer) | Nb | Common reed, Reed sweet-grass, Sedges | VC33, VC6, VC7, VC37 |
Page last revised December 2024
Butterfly Conservation. Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468). Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP.
Charity registered in England and Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268). VAT No GB 991 2771 89