Our host, Chris Wiltshire, greeted us at the newly-created car park, the reserve having been officially opened only two days before. This recent addition to Butterfly Conservation’s reserves is jointly managed with Natural England and The National Trust. Despite the chilly autumnal feel in the air twenty-two enthusiastic people showed up, three of whom were to sign up as new members. Read more …
Rough Bank Field Meeting, 30th August
Opening of the Rough Bank Reserve, 28 August 2014
At last, the site has finally been officially opened! Numerous supporters were present to witness the Chair of Natural England, Mr Andrew Sells, officially declare the reserve open. Read more …
Field Trip to Crickley Hill 8th June
Fourteen of us gathered at the Visitor Centre for the field trip at Crickley Hill. Bob Wills who currently does the transect there and David Perkins who used to do the transect came along to show us the best places to see the butterflies. Early June is not usually thought of as a good time for butterflies. Often it is call the June droop or June gloom as it is in between the spring butterflies and the summer butterflies. However in the countryside, particularly on unimproved limestone grassland sites, there are usually quite a few butterflies flying. Read more …
Bill Smyllie and Masts Field Event
Thirteen people attended this event today. Led by Tricia Atkinson and John Coates, the clouds parted right on cue, the sun shone and the butterflies (and a few moths) came out to play! The start of the event was slightly marred by motorcyclists riding over the reserve but they eventually dispersed once Sue Dodd had spoken to them and the police were contacted. Read more …
Website changes 1st May 2014
The latest changes are a continuation of those reported a couple of weeks ago. Here is a brief summary of the changes and an invitation to contribute photographs. Read more …
Hidden Beauty – a celebration of British insects
Cath Hodsman is one of our branch members and a professional wildlife artist. Some of you will remember her visit to our 2013 AGM when in addition to her pictures she brought microscopes, butterfly wings and other ‘bits of insect’ so that we could see and admire beauty close up. Now can all see this at Ruskin Mill from 23rd May to 16th June. Read more …
2014 Survey of Duke of Burgundy in Gloucestershire
Sue Smith has kindly invited me to post on your new website Blog to promote the 2014 survey of the Duke of Burgundy butterfly in the Cotswolds. Read more …
Changes to the Website
I have made some changes to the website. This article is to describe briefly what those changes are, why they have been made, what remains to be done and at the end, in case anyone is interested, some technical details. Read more …
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