Why not join us on one of our regular work parties? These are held throughout the winter months at our Rough Bank and Prestbury Hill reserves and full details are on the branch website.

Rough Bank Work Party (6)

Ruth, Bob and Guy getting stuck in

Rough Bank Work Party (4)

Bob in a bit of a tangle

This selection of photos from recent activities at Rough Bank should show you what a great time we all have. Most of the activities involve scrub clearance, and tools are provided if required. There is no pressure and you can do as little or as much as you like. Just turn up at any time from 10am on the advertised days.

Rough Bank Work Party (5)

Chris testing his strength

Rough Bank Work Party

A well-earned rest









At Rough Bank, the management in just the two and a half years since purchase, has already made a difference, opening up “windows” to allow the butterflies to move freely between the upper and lower slopes. Over the next few years much of this scrub will be removed to allow free access by fauna over the entire site. There is an impressive list of around 33 butterflies at the site and regular moth recording sessions have already brought the total species so far to around 560.

Meanwhile, regular work parties at the Bill Smyllie and Masts Reserves have made these some of the best places in the country to see butterflies. Added to this, the impressive views are unparalleled.

Cutting Gorse at the Masts Reserve

Clearing gorse at the Masts …

Gorse Bonfire at the Masts Reserve

… burning the debris …




Cleared area at the Masts Reserve

… and look – no gorse!

End of a good day at the Masts Reserve

End of a perfect day



So, why not make a New Year Resolution to get fit and help wildlife?   Opportunities are available as follows:

Bill Smyllie Reserve: January 17th and 18th at 10am  and Rough Bank Reserve: January 17th at 10am.

And that’s just for January! More dates are available – check the website.

You will be made very welcome – and make new friends!

Peter Hugo                                                                                                                                




Posted in: Uncategorized

Written by Peter Hugo