Home The Butterflies of Gloucestershire Species Habitats Conservation

Grizzled Skipper

Pyrgus malvae
13 May 1984 27 May 1979


Grizzled Skipper is found mainly on woodland rides and edges, and other warm sites with shallow soil such as old railway lines and quarries.

Its main larval foodplant in our area is Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca). Several other plants may also be used, but usually the butterfly is only seen in places where quite a lot of Wild Strawberry grows on unshaded ground.

Conservation Issues

Some of the best woodland habitat for Grizzled Skipper is often shaded out after a few years by tree regrowth. Regular felling in commercial woodland can provide a succession of habitat within the locality, but without such management the species can be lost.

Old railway lines also get shaded out, with natural spread of Ash trees being one of the main threats.

Flight Period

Late April or early May, to late June.


Mainly in the Forest of Dean and Cotswolds.