Home The Butterflies of Gloucestershire Species Habitats Conservation

Speckled Wood

Pararge aegeria
Male, 11 September 1977 17 July 1976


Speckled Woods are commonest in well-shaded woodland where small patches of leaves or bare ground on tracks are lit by direct sunlight. Here the males defend territories from other males, whilst waiting for females to appear. The larvae feed on grasses.

Away from woodland, the Speckled Wood may often be found by roadside hedgerows, and along farm tracks edged by shrubs and trees.

Conservation Issues

This species is usually very common. It should be less vulnerable to quite long periods of bad weather than many other species because there are populstions at two different stages of life-cycle at any one time.

Flight Period

The Speckled Wood's ability to overwinter as either larva or pupa results in a succession of overlapping adult flight periods throughout the season from April to September.


In suitable habitat throughout the area.